2.) "Schreie...verhallend..."(1985/86) for trombone solo
go to top3.) "sätze"(1986) for string quartet
go to top4.) "Subimago"(1987) for viola and piano
go to top5.) "Elegie"(1987) for small orchestra
go to top6.) "Erdferne"(1987/88) for guitar solo
go to top7.) "Eros(ion)"(1988) for snare drum and tenor drum (2 players)
8.) "Sextett. Verkapselt. Traum."(1988) für 2 violoncelli, 2 pianos and 2 percussionists, with a text by Helga Askani
9.) "jouer à cache-cache"(1988/89) for female singer with a piano
10.) "Odeur"(1989) for clarinet solo
11.) "Îsôt als blansche mains"(1989/90) for large orchestra (with female choir ad lib), also as ballet
12.) "ent/lang/tast/end"(1990) for marimba solo
13.) "R"(1990) for flute, clarinet and piano
14.) "Wir machen keinen langen Mist"(1990) for mezzo-soprano, viola and piano, on children's verses, collected by Ernest Borneman
15.) "Schlafmaus. Metall. 7."(1991) music for seven percussionists
16.) "TOMBEAU: ein ungeheurer Strom von Tränen"(1991) for piano solo
17.) "Kern.Spalte."(1991/92) for alto recorder and guitar
18.) "Sprünge"(1992) for violoncello and guitar
19.) "Schattenlicht"(1992) for a young pianist, with illustrations by Susanne Resch
20.) "Blumen legen"(1992/93) for wind quintet
21.) "SSAE"(1993) for tenor recorder and tape deck, with a text by Kurt Tucholsky
22.) "Unbeschreiblich weiblich"(1993) for male choir a cappella, on texts by eleven female authors
23.) "Loh"(1993) for trombone, violoncello, percussion (1 player) and piano
24.) "Exit"(1993) for orchestra
25.) "Corahl"(1994) for wind orchestra
26.) "...keine Fährte zurückbleibt"(1994) for two guitars, with a text by Sami no Mansei
27.) "ZinnoberRot & Flatterzunge"(1994) for flute and clarinet; collaboration with the artist Hannes Pohle
28.) "14 Haiku"(1994) for voice and guitar
29.) "non comodo"(1994) for two accordions
30.) "...weist zarte Fäden"(1994) for flute, clarinet, violin and violoncello, with a text by Ariwara Yukihira
31.) "…wie große Vögel ihre Beute schlagen"(1994) for mixed choir a cappella, on a text by Richard Exner
32.) "6 MÄRZ-Gedichte"(1995) by Heinar Kipphardt, for voice and piano or ensemble
33.) "Abbozzi"(1995) for guitar and piano
34.) "Pizzflaggliss"(1995) for violoncello and tape
35a.) "Her-z-eigen"(1995) for violin, horn and piano
35b.) "Spuren"(1995) for violin, bass clarinet and piano
36.) "Färbungen, Störungen"(1996) for 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons and 2 french horns
37.) "Im Irrenhaus"(1996/98) for tape, on a text by Heinar Kipphardt
38.) "Drei Spiele"(1996) for baritone-saxophone, violoncello, guitar and piano
39.) "Left Silence"(1996/97) for mezzo-soprano and large orchestra, on texts by Richard Exner
40.) "Transitions"(1997) trio for soprano, alto and baritone saxophones
41.) "6 neue MÄRZ-Gedichte"(1997) by Heinar Kipphardt, for voice and piano or ensemble
42.) "Fünf Haiku"(1998) for youth choir and clarinet
43.) "...keine Stille..."(1998) for four guitar orchestras and tape
44.) "Sept Variations"(1998/99) for orchestra
45.) "Sehnsucht"(1999) for countertenor and one percussionist, texts by Friedrich Rückert and members of the German Parliament
46.) "Drei neue Spiele"(1999) for alto saxophone, violoncello and piano
47.) "Modèles" (1999) for bass saxophone solo
48.) "Traumgefieder"(1999/2000) for tape, with a text by Friedrich Rückert
49.) "Hochrot"(2000) for soprano, flute, clarinet and percussion (1 player), text by Karoline von Günderrode
50.) "Sredi Polnoči/Mitten um Mitternacht"(2000/01) for large orchestra, soprano, mezzo-soprano and male choir, text by Srečko Kosovel
51.) "Tema"(2001) for alto flute, violin, percussion (1 player) and piano
52.) "Lamento"(2002) for violin, viola or violoncello solo
53.) "Fünf Verse"(2002) for guitar solo
54.) "Drei Volkslieder"(2002) for four female voices and piano
55.) "Nachtstück"(2002) for trombone and percussion (1 player)
56.) "Lachen. Weinen. Blühen. Vergehen."(2003) music for mezzo-soprano and large orchestra on texts by Rainer Maria Rilke
57.) "Vingt Moments"(2003) for orchestra
58.) "Circulations"(2003) for flute, viola and guitar
59.) "Jouer ↔ Parler ↔ Ecouter"(2003) for three young guitarists (partly also arranged for 3 violins resp. for 3 soprano recorders)
60.) "La Flûte"(2004) for one flutist with four instruments
61.) "Imitations"(2004) for three recorders
62.) "Metamorphosen" (...to Robert Schumanns "Liederkreis op.39") (2004) for voice and ensemble
63.) "Singen.Schwingen."(2004) trio for clarinet, alto saxophone and piano
64.) "Frühlingsfeuer"(2004/05) for soprano, male choir, piano and two percussionists, on texts by Fritz Deppert
65.) "14 neue Haiku"(2005) for voice and guitar
66.) "La Donna"(2005) a piece of listening in seven parts on a sentence by Francesco Maria Piave
67.) "1. Symphonie"(2005/06) for large orchestra
68.) "Les Pas"(2006) for soprano, alto-flute, bass clarinet and percussion (1 player), text: Paul Valéry
69.) "Lieder ohne Worte"(2006) for violin and marimba with one tamtam
70.) "Trifolium"(2006) for cimbalom solo
71.) "Promenades"(2007) interludes for one wind instrument ad lib. in mobile concerts and showing rounds
72.) "Anläufe"(2007) for alto-flute, cor anglais and bass clarinet
73.) "Inseln"(2007) for piano solo
74.) "Rondes"(2007) for guitar and harp
75.) "Fische haben nie kein Knie"(2007/08) first playing on the guitar in groups or classes, with texts by Joachim Ringelnatz; collaboration with Martin Schumacher
76.) "Introductions"(2008) for harp solo
77.) "18 Signale"(2008) for orchestra
78.) "Triptychon"(2008) for organ
79.) "Connexions"(2009) for four trumpets, four trombones and one percussionist
80.) "Cycles"(2009/10) for guitar-, string- and woodwind-ensembles
81.) "The Wives of the Dead"(2008/10) opera in two versions on a tale by Nathaniel Hawthorne
82.) "Der geweckte Tiger" (2010) for tenor recorder, double bass and tape, with nine anonymous threatening calls and a text by Adalbert Stifter
83.) "33 Gesten" (2010) for guitar and harp
84.) "20 Signale" (2010) for orchestra
85.) "Woher" (2010/11) for two mandolins
86.) "Wie der Elefant seinen Rüssel bekam" (2011) a musical tale by Alois Bröder on a story by Rudyard Kipling for narrator and small orchestra
87.) "Strahlen. Licht." (2011) for guitar solo
88.) "A la polacca" (2011) for alto saxophone, vibraphone, violoncello and double bass
89.) "Feuer: Brandstellen" (2011/12) a songbook with 10 times 10 songs for 2 baritones and 2 pianists with 1 piano and 10 percussion instruments, text by Sabine Bergk
90) "Späte Sonnen" (2012) 3 songs for soprano and piano, text by Sabine Bergk
91) "Fünf neue Verse" (2012) for guitar solo
92) "Sept Nouvelles Variations" (2012) for orchestra
93) "Das schöne Gegengewicht der Welt" (2013) a listening journey with texts by Rainer Maria Rilke, for tape
94) "ADAGIO" (2013/14) for orchestra
95) "Chant funèbre" (2014) for piano solo
96) "13 Todesanzeigen" (2014) for countertenor and alto saxophone
97) "Sieben Skizzen" (2014) for mandolin solo to the installation "Der Weg" by Wolfgang Luh
98) "Drei Bilder" (2015) for mandolin and vibraphone
99) "Unverhofftes Wiedersehen" ("Unexpected Reunion") (2014/15) opera in three parts after the homonymous calendar story by Johann Peter Hebel
100) "13 Kontaktanzeigen" (2015) for soprano, mandolin and guitar
101) "...volante..." (2015) for two guitars
102) "Nachträume" (2015) for guitar solo
103) "Trois Scènes" (2015/16) for harmonium d'art and piano
104) "Trois Nouvelles Scènes" (2016) for harmonium d'art solo
105) "...pressante..." (2016) for guitar solo
106) "Rapsodia" (2016) for violin and harp
107) "Sul fondo del lago" (2016) for guitar and tape
108) "neue sätze" (2016/17) for string quartet
109) "...con brio" (2017) for piano solo
110) "Rencontres" (2017) for violin, alto saxophone and piano
111) "Tre Pezzi" (2018) for guitar and marimba
112) "Evocazione" (2018) for guitar and harpsichord or fortepiano
113) "Vocalise" (2018) for soprano, mandolin and piano
114) "Pietà" (2019) for guitar solo
115) "5 Heine-Lieder" (2019) for soprano and piano
116) "Sentieri" (2019) for three guitars
117) "Ave Maria" (2020) for soprano and guitar
118) "Ave Maria" (2021) for chamber orchestra
119) "IL VIAGGIO" (2020/22) two one-act operas based on novellas by Luigi Pirandello ("The Light from the other House" und "The Journey")
120) "NUVOLE" (2022/23) concerto for oboe and chamber orchestra
121) "Todes Stille" (2023) for guitar solo
122) "Nella chiesa" (2024) for three guitars